2011 and 2010 Muskrats

2012 King Rat Nest

2012 Rat Stats - http://www.iscorebaseball.com/monroemuskrats
4/29/12 Rats take the Timberwolves 16-3. Winning Pitcher Dewy Leonard. Marc Jobe 4 for 3. Doug Meisner 4 for 3, 2 Triples, 4 Rbi's. Ken Stanford 3 for 3, 2 Rbi's.
5/6/12 Rats win over Thunder 7-5. Winning Pitcher Ken Stanford. Ken Stanford 3 for 2, 1 Rbi. Ken Waggoner 3 for 2, 1 Rbi. Craig Deland 2 for 4. Dave Sabin 2 for 4, 1 double, 2 Rbi's. Doug Meisner 2 for 4, 1 double.

2011 King Rat

5/21/2011 Rats loose to Surgeons 9 - 2. Jim McVickers 2 for 4, Rodney Leach 2 for 3 with a double. Dave Sabin doubled. Roger Radsick & Craig Deland both had a single.
5/22/2011 Rats beat the Knights 16 - 14. Fil Martinez & Jim McVickers 2 for 4 and 1 SB, Roger Radsick 2 for 5, 3 RBI's and 3 SB. Todd Miller Tripled with 3 RBI's. Meisner 1 for 3 with 3 RBI's and 3 SB. Sabin 1 for 2 with 2 RBI's. Rodney Leach, Craig Deland & Ken Stanford all singled. Ken Waggoner Single with an RBI. Ken Stanford is the winning pitcher.
5/24/2011 Rats Loose to Thunder 3-8. Fil Martinez 2 for 2 with 1 SB. Dan Wagner & Doug Meisner 2 for 3. Roger Radsick & Dave Sabin both had a single. Craig Deland & Billy Schuller both had a single with a RBI.
6/12/2011 Rats win over Timberwolves 16-6. Radsick & Schuller 2 for 3 with 1 RBI. Dan Wagner 3 for 5 with 3 RBI's. Jobe 3 for 6 with 2 RBI's. Stanford 2 for 4, triple & 3 RBI's. Winning Pitcher Gary O'Conner with only 1 Hit and 6 Strike outs.
6/16/2011 Rats loose to Knights 10-13. Miller 4 for 4 with 1 RBI with 2 Stolen Bases.. Radsick 2 for 3 with 3 RBI's. McVickers 2 for 4.
6/26/11 Rats beat Barons 3-1. Winning Pitcher Ken Stanford.Dave Sabin 2 for 2 with 1 Rbi, Dewy Leonard 1 for 2 with 1 Rbi.
7/10/2011 Rats beat Surgeons 13 – 0. Winning Pitcher Gary O’Conner.  Fil Martinez 3 for 4 with 3 Rbi’s, Roger Radsick 3 for 4 with 1 Rbi 2 doubles & 1 SB, Ken Stanford 2 for 3 with a triple 1 Rbi,  Billy Schuller 2 for 3 with 2 Rbi’s, Meisner 3 walks.
7/17/2011 Rats loss to Thunder 10-6. Meisner 4 for 5 with 2 doubles 3 RBI's 1SB, Ken Waggoner 2 for 3 with a Triple and 2 RBI's, Marc Jobe 2 for 4 with 1 double 1 run, Jim McVickers 2 for 5.
7/24/2011 Rats beat Knights. Winning pitcher Gary O'Conner. Fil Martinez 3 for 4 with a double & 1SB, Todd Miller 2 for 3 with 1 RBI & 1SB, Marc Jobe 2 for 4 with 1SB, Ken Waggoner 2 for 2 with 2 RBI's.
8/7/2011 Rats beat Thunder. Winning Pitcher Standford. Miller 3-2, 1 double, 1 RBI, 1 SB, 2 Runs. Fil Martinez 2 for 4, 2 doubles, 1 RBI, 1 run. Ken Wagoner 2-2, 2RBI's, 1 SB, 2 Runs. Craig Deland 2-2, 1 RBI, 1 Run. Dave Sabin 2-4, 3 RBI's. Dewy Leanord 2-3, 2 RBI's. Doug Meisner 2-4, 1 RBI, 1 Run, 1 SB. Roger Radsick 2-4, 2 runs. Jim McVickers 2-4, 1 RBI, 2 Runs.
8/14/2011 Timberwolves forfiet double header with Rats.
8/21/2011 Paramount beat the Rats. 8-7. Todd Miller 2-3, 1 double, 1 Triple, 2 RBI, 2 Runs, 1 SB. Dan Wagner 2-3, 1 double, 1 RBI, 1 Run, 1 SB. Dave Sabin & Gary O'Conner 2 -4, 1 Run. O'Conner 1 SB.


2010 King Rat's Trap

5/16/10 Rats split with the Thunder in a double header. On the day, Leonard & Martinez both 2 for 3, Zajac 3 for 5. Winning Pitcher was Leonard.
5/23/10 Rats lost both games of a double header with the Surgeons. Madison was 2 for 2, Meisner 3 for 5 with 4 stolen bases & 4 RBI's, Ken Wagoner 2 doubles & 2 RBI. Jobe was 2 for 4.
6/5/10 Rats play 2 innings with the Cinci Colts and were rained out.
6/13/10 Rats drive to Massilon Ohio to play a double header only to find the field was under water.
6/20/10 Rats loose to the Barons on Fathers Day. The hurt felt better with the BBQ after the game in the parking lot. Leonard 2 for 3 with 1 RBI.
7/1/10 Rats loose a nail bitter to Paramount in extra innings. Meinser & Martinez 3 for 5, McVickers 2 for 4 with 2 RBI's, Zajac & Weaver 2 for 5, Weaver also had an RBI.
7/10/10 Rats loose to Cinci 16-4. Ken Wagoner had 3 hits, Deland had 2 hits.
7/11/10 Rats loose double header to Knights. 2-5 & 7-11. In the first game each of the following had 1 hit - Martinez, O'Connor, K Wagoner, McVickers, & Deland. In the second game McVickers had 3 hits with 1 RBI, O'Connor had 2 hits with 1 RBI and 2 stolen bases, Meisner had 2 hits with 2 RBI's with 2 stolen bases.
7/18/10 Rats are rainout again after 2 innings. What luck.
7/20/10 Rats win over Timberwolves 9 to 4. Radsick 3 for 5. O'Conner 1 for 3. Meisner 2 for 3 with 3 RBI's. O'Conner Winning Pitcher.
7/25/10 Rats beat Surgeons 10 to 9. Ken Wagoner 2 for 4 with 1 RBI, McVickers 2 for 4, Radsick 2 for 3 with 1 RBI's, O'Conner winning Pitcher.
8/8/10 Rats split with Paramount in a double header. First Game 3 to 5. Radsick 2 for 3 with 1 RBI, Meisner 3 for 3 with 1 RBI. Second Game Rats win 5 to 4. Meisner 3 for 4 with 1 double and game winning single 2 RBI's, McVickers 2 for 3 with 1 RBI, Deland 2 for 3. Winning Pitcher O'Conner.
8/15/10 Rats traveled to Munson Stadium in Caton Ohio and win double header. First Game against Ohio Bulldogs 4-2 winning pitcher Ken Stanford. Second Game against Ohio Dbacks 11 -1 winning pitcher Dewy Leonard. Weaver 5 for 7 with 2 RBI's 1 double & 1 triple, Zajac 4 for 7 with 3 RBI's 1 double, Meisner 4 for 7 with 1 RBI, Ken Wagoner 4 for 8 with 2 RBI's 1 double, Martinez 4 for 9 -1 double, Dan Wagner 2 for 5 with 1 RBI 1 double, Deland 3 for 9, McVickers 2 for 8 with 1 RBI, Radsick 1 for 8 with 2 RBI's 1 double. Stanford and Leonard both 1 hit.
8/21/10 Rats started yet another game that was rainout with Kentucky.
8/22/10 Rats win over Toledo Barons 5 to 4. Martinez 1 for 3, O'Conner doubled, Meisner 2 for 3, Radsick 2 for 4 with 1 RBI, K Wagoner 1 for 3, McVickers 2 for 3, Deland 1 for 4, Stanford 1 for 2 with 1 RBI. Winning Pitcher O'Conner.
8/28/10 Rats loose to Cinci 17 to 18. Weaver 4 for 4 with 1 RBI and 4 runs, Stanford 2 for 3 with 2 RBI's and 2 runs. Stanford & Meisner both had a Triple, Martinez and Leonard both doubled.
8/29/10 Rats beat Timberwolves 17 -2. Deland 3 for 4 with 2 RBI's, Madison 2 for 2 with 1 RBI, Stanford, O'Conner, Radsick all 2 for 3 with 2 RBI's, Weaver, McVickers, both 2 for 3 with 1 RBI, Dan Wagner 2 for 4 with 1 RBI. Winning pitcher is Dewy Leonard.